The Monarchy


It’s 2002, which means it’s Jubilee year, celebrating 50 years of reign from Mrs Elizabeth Windsor. Why do we have a monarchy? Is it a sign of national identity, a sign of strength. What do the royals do for us? Why are they here after all this time? Do they have any relevance in today’s world?

It seems that we have a monarchy because we always have done, it’s a British thing and it also gives the British ‘identity’ so to speak. I don’t feel any better that we have a monarchy, the Queen and her family haven’t really done anything that affects the lives of the people in this country (apart from getting fat off our earnings of course).

The royals have survived this long because some members of the family have had ties or been in the government and the military. The government has gone about giving all this propaganda about the royals to the people, and the military, which is somewhat, controlled by the royals (as well as the corrupt government whose primary concern is big business) keeps this nation, as well as many others at bay.

A bunch of wealthy snobby pigs that continue to reign have no place in today’s world. They say we are a democracy…how can we be if we can’t even elect a ruler.

I say we throw em out!