The Way People Think No.1 CWRL 26/11/2001
People think that someone who intentionally tries to subvert the West's 'Normal Order - illegal or legal' is a weirdo
In fact, I don’t blame people for thinking like that. It’s not their fault, we’ve all been brainwashed by the powers that be (school, state, religion..etc) at some point.
Remember, the state tries to mould society, no matter how much they try and hide it.
Think about this…. When they say it’s ‘your future’, it’s not really your own idea of the future, it’s ‘the way they want your future to be’. They try and make everyone a model citizen.
Remember George ‘Dubyah’ Bush when the terrorist (?) attacks happened. He said ‘Freedom has been attacked today’
But was it freedom that was attacked, or was it their freedom that was attacked.
Their idea of freedom is a lot different than my idea of freedom.
What is Freedom?
Western ideas of freedom are often money-based freedom, No Money = No real freedom. Though, even if you have money you are still not really free. You still have artificial rules and if you try to uncover any flaws in these rules, more often than not you’ll pay a price for uncovering it. Examples of this are more prominent in the States, theres been plenty of people wrongly imprisoned or executed for simply not agreeing with the system, but these crimes have been exaggerated by the state, and these people have been framed for the exaggerated crimes.
So are we truly free? No, not at all .
Once you make ‘your future’ (but thinking about it, your future has been made for you) and slot into a place in society, you become slave to your future and society.
A lot of people seem to think that total freedom leads to world disorder, that is because they still have this view that the world cannot function without rules, without countries, without religion, without authority. This is what makes people split up and become against each other. We concentrate more on negative things rather than positive things. But at the end of the day everyone on this planet is human, and basically….most of us are in the same boat, whether we Black, Asian or White……We are all oppressed by some sort of authority.