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Greetings fellow freethinkers,

I read your homepage, and I do live in the North West!!!!
I too am sick of this - disgraceful, lying scum politicians, the system
is an absolute JOKE and I don’t think we are laughing. 10% of the people
own 90% of the worlds wealth, we've got to take back what's ours greedy,
selfish ruling class bastards ARE OUR ENEMY.
Most of the young people I know
 (im 17) are utterly apathetic and it kills me to see humanity reduced
to this blind state when people are capable of so much more,  - how can we
make people wake THE FUCK UP. We are told that capitalism is the natural
form of society - we have to fight it, take action, organise protests
bring people together, proving that there is an alternative for a truly
free and equal world.

If there is anything that I can do to help radleft, please contact me
anarchy is my life but where I live nobody seems interested and I don’t
feel there is much I can do on my own.
I think that radical journalism and leafleting etc is a good way to
awareness. It would be good to get radleft some real publicity and show
people that we are passionate and serious about anarchy as a real possibility,
 that we are prepared to fight for freedom.

So, we have to show the anarchist presence in Manchester, because I
hear of much action taking place here! Lets go!!!!!!

The time to hesitate is through
